Tuesday, January 3, 2012

About Me. :)

Hey, just like I promised I've decided to put an about me up here and take my ass to sleep. So, ciao and I'll talk to you guys later.

A Basic About Me (100+ questions)
Created by friendly-fire and taken 1604 times on Bzoink
What's your name?:Jasmine Morgan. Known as Taylor Kushh or Roxy.
Do you still attend school?:Yeah, I'm a college student at Art Institute of WI
How tall are you?:Umm, 5 foot - something.
Do you wish you were taller or shorter?:A tad bit taller but not amazon.
Do you wear glasses/contacts?:I'm supposed to be wearing glasses but they broke.
What color is your hair?:It's blonde now.
What color are your eyes?:Always brown to light hazel, depending on the season
Your best physical feature::My boobs
Your best personality trait::Flirtatious
Color?:Black, White, Turquoise & Purple.
Non-alcoholic drink?:Mountain Dew or Monster
Genre of music?:All types
Band?:I don't have a favorite band.
Singer?:None as of now.
Movie?:Brown Sugar, Coming to America, and Friday
Television show?:The Simpsons and Two & A Half Men ( with Charlie Sheen )
Current song?:California by Wiz Khalifa
Concert you've attended?:Wiz Khalifa - Summerfest '11
School project you've done?:KUSH Life mock presentation.
Place to be?:Away from home.
Book?:Crystal, Give Me Mine, and Secrets of the City.
Person to be with?:I don't have one of those.
Flower?:Ummm, no.
Website?:Facebook, Twitter, and Invisionfree RP Sites
Ice cream flavor?:Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Pizza topping?:Pepperoni
State?:California or New York City
Culture?:French & Latino
Religion?:I don't have a favorite religion.
Politician?:Obama, Obama, Obama ..
U.S. President?:Obama, Obama, Obama ..
School subject?:Lunch, bro.
Accent?:United Kingdom
Moment in History?:Don't Ask, Don't Tell bill appealed.
Thing about Bzoink?:What the fuck is a Bzoink?
This or That
Eat or drink?:Drink
Watch a movie or T.V.?:T.V.
Books or magazines?:Both
Color or black & white films?:Color
Cell phone or camera?:Cell phone
Rock or Rap?:Rap
Country or folk rock?:Country
Alternative or Indie?:Indie
Rap or hip-hop?:Hip-Hop
Screamo or metal?:Screamo
Guitar or bass?:Both, yo.
Drums or Piano?:Piano
Water or soda?:Water
Pizza or hamburgers?:Ohhhhhh my gosh, don't make me choose.
Love or money?:Can't I have both?
God or the Buddha?:Neither
War or creation?:Creation
Meat or vegetables?:Veggies. ^_^
Life or death?:Purgatory
What's your favorite genre of music? Why?:Neo-soul because it's nice and mellow. Something you can chill and smoke too.
If you could play any instrument, which would you chose? Why?:Piano because that's one of the most sexiest percussion instruments to play.
Would say music is an important part of your life?:Hell yeah, my whole day is around music.
Have you ever seen your favorite band/singer in concert?:Hell yeah, Wiz MF Khalifa.
If so, did you get to meet them after the show?:Unfortunately, no. I wish I could've though.
Have you ever been to a concert? How many?:Yeah, it's too many to claim.
Do you play any intruments?:Nope
Last song you listened to::Head of the States by Baracka Flocka Flames.
Does this song have any meaning to you?:Hell no, funniest shit ever.
Last movie you watched::Coming to America
Did you think this movie was good?:Yeah.
Did it make you laugh at all?:All the damnnnn time.
Favorite quote from a movie::"So, when did you fall in love with Hip Hop?"
Does this quote have any meaning to you?:My whole life.
If you had to be in a movie, what would the movie be about?:A star-studded African American romantic comedy
What's your favorite movie? Why?:Brown Sugar because it's a hip hop love story.
Favorite movie character?:Jessica Rabbit
What's your favorite book? Why?:Give Me Mine because it was raw talent from a Milwaukee author
What's your favorite magazine? Why?:Elle & Vogue because I love fashion.
Do you enjoy reading?:It's alright if I'm captivated
Favorite quote from a book::Don't have one.
Does this quote have any meaning to you?:Not really.
Are you subscribed to any magazines? Which?:Yeah, it's either Elle or Vogue. I'm too lazy to check.
Favorite book character?:Don't really have one.
Favorite book genre?:Urban
What kinds of magazines do you like to read?:Fashion magazines
Who is your best friend?:I really don't have one of those.
Do you trust this person a 100%?:How can I trust 'em if I don't have one?
Do you have a lot of friends? Do you think that matters?:I have a content amount.
Do you still live with your parents?:Nope.
Do you have any siblings? What are their names?:Rashard, Destiny, Daphne, Tremaine, Symone, and Christopher
Were you adopted?:Nopeeeee.
Are you a twin?:I fuckin wish, yo.
Do your parents/guardians like all of your friends?:Doesn't really matter.
Do your friends like your parents?:Yeah.
What is your current relationship status?:I'm single.
Are you happy about that? Why or why not?:I'm okay about it. It gets depressing sometimes when your friends are busy with their boyfriends.
Do you need a significant other to be happy?:I would like to believe that I don't.
Have you ever been in love?:Not that I recall, just heavy infatuation.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?:Nope, just heave infatuation.
Have you ever been kissed?:Yeah
Do you want to get married?:Hell yeah.
Do you like to keep your personal life private or spread it all around?:It depends.
Have you ever had a broken heart? Is it healed now?:Yeah, still is a bit.
What is your favorite food?:Pizza and Hamburgers
Favorite Italian dish::Chicken Alfredo
Favorite Mexican dish::Empanadas
Do you like Chinese food?:Hell fuckin yeah.
What's your favorite kind of soda?:Mountain Dew
Hot or ice tea?:Hot chai tea.
What is one thing you refuse to drink?:Milk
You refuse to eat?:Seafood, raw onions, tomatoes, olives, red and green peppers.
Best thing you've ever eaten::Barbecue Chicken Pizza
What are some of your interests?:Singing, modeling, taking pictures.
The person you have the most in common with::Vashtie and Amber Rose
What do you like to do when your bored?:Get on the computer or sleep.
Are you a fast typer?:I like to think so.
What is the weather like today? Are you enjoying it?:Cold af and hell no.
Are you excited for summer or would you rather be in school?:I'm excited for the summer.
Do you have a job? What is it?:No, I don't have a job.
What are your plans for the future?:Own a store by 21 years old.
Do you believe Barack Obama will change things?:Fuck yeah, he's already have.
What type of mood are you in today?:I'm very moody.
Do you write on an online blog? Does it get a lot of hits?:In fact I do have a blog but I just started it.
Would you consider yourself an interesting person?:Yeah
What do you plan on doing after this survey?:Posting this on my blog and cutting off the computer
Do you like the movie "Finding Nemo"?:Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.
Do you make jewelry?:What the hell?
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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